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Buddhism is the biggest religion of Peace in the World - Maharishi Aazaad

Writer's picture: Vishwa Sahitya ParishadVishwa Sahitya Parishad

International Brand Ambassador of Sanskrit and The Cultural Ambassador of World Maharishi Aazaad said that "Buddhism is the biggest religion of peace. Buddhism was originally formed from the Hindu Religion. It is only through the teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism, we can maintain World Peace or otherwise soon enough the whole world will be in turmoil."

Maharishi Aazaad in Himachal Pradesh for pre-production of his film THE BUDDHIST.

"By looking at the current scenario of the world, we can never move head. Most of the world is on the path of self-destruction. We need to take vital steps in the coming time to maintain World peace."

Maharishi Aazaad at Maa Chamunda Devi Temple in Himachal, in preparation for his film The Buddhist.

"We can overview many incidents which happened in recent times, Like the brutal killing of George Floyd by a policeman in the United States."

"In The United States of America, several Teenagers have access to guns and different types of ammunition, which leads to multiple crimes in their country."

"The killing of Samuel Paty, a professor in France. It was all as a result of embittered Hate against each other."

World peace Ambassador and International Brand Ambassador of Sanskrit Maharishi Aazaad

"Unrest among several religious groups of the World."

"After the Atomic Bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States of America, Japan had peacefully rebuild itself by the teachings of Buddhism."

Maharishi Aazaad met several Buddhist religious Saints in Himachal Pradesh

Maharishi Aazaad further added that, "Hindu Religion is the oldest Religion. Hinduism may be one of the big religions in the World but Hinduism is not established yet in many parts of the World. Whereas Buddhism is practiced in many parts of the World, such as Japan, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and many more. This is the only reason for which I want to spread the teachings of Buddhism as well as Hinduism. Peace should be the sole motto of the whole world. We need to end brutality very soon. I hope that Good Times lie ahead for us."

Maharishi Aazaad will soon visit Japan, South Korea and several other countries for his film THE BUDDHIST.

It is a notable fact that International film company Mother Pictures UK and Sanskrit Bhushan Kamini Dube has signed Maharishi Aazaad for the biggest English International film THE BUDDHIST, based on Buddha, Buddhism and Buddhists.

Maharishi Aazaad went for Location Scout of his movie THE BUDDHIST

Sanskrit Mahanayak Maharishi Aazaad is the World Peace Ambassador, who's only aim is to preach Peace and Prosperity all over the world.

1 Comment

Jan 22

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